There are a lot of different views on the subject of modern interactions with the Good Folk by various names and versions. I by no means think my experiences are the template for all others nor do I think they are unique - I feel like just with humans everyone has their own stories to tell. At least as much as I can publicly tell about these sorts of things. I do often find myself feeling out of step with others who publicly share their gnosis or experiences with these beings in part because much of the material I see is either framed as coming from beings that are entirely helpful and focused on human spiritual evolution or framed through a lens where the human is the more powerful force speaking for a group of Otherworldly beings that need protection.
I find neither of these applies at all to my experiences or encounters.
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me being goofy at the phallological museum in Iceland, 2018 |
The beings I am connected to are not tiny little nature spirits, not stereotypical children's' story characters, nor are they higher spiritual beings seeking to guide humanity into a more enlightened state. They are simply Other, nonhuman and in many ways inhuman. They do look fairly human in appearance, in the same way that, say, a wolf looks like a dog, but they clearly aren't and as far as I've been able to tell with the majority of the ones I deal with they never have been human at all (worth noting because some among the Good People started out human and were changed). They can interact more directly with humans and they can definitely and noticeably effect humans. I've seen and experienced amazing healing through them - literal, physical healing - but I've also seen and experienced illness and destruction. They are powerful enough that while I respect them and love them I am also wary of upsetting them.
I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea here - as I've seen various opinion pieces floating around the internet about abusive relationships with deities and spirits - I'm not afraid of the beings I'm connected to. I belong to Them and that puts me in a very particular dynamic with Them. But while I may feel a degree of protection or safety with the ones I specifically have a connection to that doesn't change my respect for what they can and will do, or make me feel impervious with all beings of the Otherworld. I love thunderstorms but that doesn't mean I run around in metal armour swinging a golf club during one.
My own Otherworldly people, as it were, are definitely not interested in humans becoming more spiritual or more evolved. They tend to show a marked disdain for humanity in general and disapproval of humans as a group. Individual humans are a different story, but humanity en masse they are at best indifferent about and at worst amused by wider struggles. When they give me things in dreams it is usually material relating to either serving them better or magic of a protective or cursing nature. They are fairly clear, always, that their interests are their primary concern and when they are moved to address anything else it is because, ultimately, that also serves their interests - a far cry from the seemingly selfless and altruistic beings some other people seem to be relaying messages for. I sometimes cringe to repeat things my group have told me, because I know it won't be appreciated by those around me - and yet this is an honest depictions of who they are, and perhaps a necessary counterpoint to the louder voices.
Why am I saying all of this here? Because as I move forward with this blog I want my readers to understand the beings I am dealing with, at least to some small degree, and to understand that I am presenting one viewpoint on a much larger subject for which there are many different opinions and views. Mine is not the only correct one but it is also just as valid as everything else out there.
This is very valuable insight. I have just finished listening to the presentation on the Othercrowd at the Irish Pagan School conference, and the information discussed here complements the lecture. Yes, very clear point about Fair Folk who don't have at heart the very best interest of the human kind, who have agendas that do not include baby-sitting humans into 'awakening' before destroying the planet completely. I'm not denying the existence of such Otherworldly beings who actually make a point out of giving people tips on how to evolve and make the earth a better place. I don't believe that all of the Fair Folk fell into this category. I do believe that we might have common interests and therefore They seek human collaboration over one thing or another. I don't think they call on everyone indiscriminately or throw themselves at people, or even welcome everyone to join Them in any shape or form. Upon closing to even attempt partnering up or answering what may feel like a call, I believe that education is key. Knowing the lore, knowing the facts, knowing what indigenous people have to say as much as what modern scholars have to say are there to foster true understanding and the possibility of a (relatively) safe(er) relationship with the Good Neighbors.