Friday, February 24, 2023

The 'Great War': Unmaking vs Making

 I honestly thought I had written about this before because its a subject I've discussed privately for several years with friends but after reading several recent blogs I realized I'd never put this out publicly. So here we go. 

So for context you might start by reading 'The Great War Pain Hope and Turning the Tides and The Otherworldly Tides of the Great War to get caught up on the wider subject. The brief summary is that the human world, specifically but not exclusively the so-called western world, has been in the midst of upheaval for the last half dozen and more years and that this upheaval is not only visible in the human world but has also been felt or experienced in the Otherworld by people sensitive to it, and that there are Otherworldly forces at work in the midst of the human conflicts, as well as Otherworldly conflicts playing out. 

This has been a topic of discussion across several different esoteric communities since at least 2015 and publicly since 2018/2019. Some call it The Storm or Tower Time. The above linked blogs refer to it as the Great War. I don't know what exactly I'd choose to call it as I find every convenient term lacks nuance. 

My friend Seo Helrune and I have been discussing the wider theme and specifics around what's going on from the Otherworldly angle across the years and the ways that it has and is tying into human world conflicts and issues (including the pandemic). From the more Otherly perspective I would say we're seeing a conflict between forces of unmaking and making which is playing out across worlds and across a variety of fronts (so to speak). This is a lot to try to unpack and as always with this blog what I'm about to say is my own gnosis and experiences largely focused on the US, so take that as you will. I'll try to unroll it all chronologically as best I can:

Around 2015 several of us noticed that the Otherworld was becoming more persistently present and active in the human world* and started discussing why that might be. Certain trends started to crop up: of the Other recruiting people, especially witches; of the Other directly harming people; of the Other being experienced more widely by people usually unaware of it. As more time wore away these trends became more obvious and more intense. We started to notice that the usual tides of the Otherworld against the human world - the long standing pattern of increased and decreased presence - had stopped flowing and instead we were perceiving a constant slow build up; the tide would crest and then not recede as it usually had, instead creating a new constant which would then rise again. 

In 2019 this had reached a point where the Tower Time/Storm discussions were more public and where I started writing about the return of the Other and the re-enchantment of the world, in the old raw sense of enchantment - a dangerous, alluring spell that could snare people. This return wasn't without pushback, as I noted in my blog 'The Return of the Otherfolk and the Puritan Egregore' because the Other hadn't chosen to leave the human world, they had been forced out most notably by Christian dominionism. The Other pushing to return came up against the egregore of the Puritans and hardcore Christian beliefs in the US, a loosely embodied force that was opposed to anything not of itself. This situation was further complicated - again notably seen starting in 2019 - by the presence of an opposing non-human force which was the sum total of the beings who were diametrically opposed to the Othercrowd et al and which sought only chaos and death. My own Folk call these beings the 'basdán' which is a bit hard to parse in English, but effectively those who seek to unmake all things, who are without fate. Not death because death is part of nature but something deeply against the cycle of life. 

It was a conflict between life and unlife, between wholeness and unhaelness, between making and unmaking. 

And it turned into open warfare among the Other, who were actively fighting against this force and also actively fighting to regain a place in the human world. I won't get into the deeper specifics here but to say that in part it involved literal battles in the Otherworld and more subtle battles in the human world. 
I was warned about the pandemic in late 2019, although I have to admit I didn't fully understand the warning or grasp what was to come. In January 2020 I was flat out told there would be a pandemic, although again I didn't grasp what that was going to mean or how it would play out. I am not saying that the Other created the pandemic but I do think they have used it to forward their own agenda over the last several years. 

What is that agenda? To take back their place in the human world and all that was taken from them. 

But this goes beyond the Other as I said, and over the last three years things have continued to sharpen. The Other is still fighting, the puritan egregore is not only still fighting but succeeding, and the Basdán, the unhael, are continuing to gnaw away at the edges of everything. Its war on three fronts in that way and the human world is stuck in the middle as both the field of battle and the prize. 

For my own part my Other have strongly emphasized the power of solar symbols and things like gold, amber, red stones, for protection. They have repeatedly encouraged heavy duty cleansing of a spiritual nature and to stay on guard against unseen spirit dangers. They encourage a disengagement from all things Christian** and a focus on embracing the things I've previously written about here - breath and life and joy where it can be found. My human-world friends, in the articles linked above, have also encouraged things like joy and hope as weapons against what is happening and what is coming. 

We are in an energetic pivot point but we aren't helpless within it. 
We must choose life. 

*again specifically referencing western cultures here. I can't speak to other places although I suspect that this isn't limited to just so-called 'western civilizations'. 

** my lot have never been fans of that religion, to be fair


  1. When they say they want to take back their place in the human world, what do they mean? Are they talking about receiving offerings again from farmers? What was their place to begin with? I feel like the offerings stuff was the tail end of how it was, and not actually how it was. What do they claim was taken from them? And how do they plan on getting it back?

    1. as I understand it, and I won't speak for them here, they want to return to the way they were before they were driven out and minimized. To have an existence that is present and tangible in the human world, as they used to, not the faint shadow they have now.

  2. Is it possible that the God/ess are not able to physically manifest like they did years ago because of the "christian" believers? Like they don't have enough followers to use that energy to manifest? I had a very confusing meditation with Goddess Isis last night. I asked about the "other war," she confirmed it. I asked how many sides and answered with many. Then I got images of pyramids within pyramids. Images of Earth being bombarded by something dark from the outside of our planet like it was black and blotchy coming from the West. Then the sun coming VERY close to Earth. More images of pyramids. Then some runes. I have no idea what it means Nathuiz, Sowilo, Fehu, Fehu, Isa. I...anyone make sense of it?

  3. I think I see the twist. There will be another group. They are small, foolish, and weak now but their power will grow. They have one ally that will help greatly. It should be interesting to watch the light's hidden friend.


The Nature of Gnosis & the Mothers

Sorry for the lack of posts in a while its been quite busy. Today I wanted to talk about something that maybe we don't talk about as muc...